Morgan Lambert ceased our field based activities at the end of March 2020 when the COVID lockdown was first implemented. Since then we have worked tirelessly to produce a detailed risk assessment that ensures the safety of our employees when working in office environments and occupied homes.

Our approach included a trial return to site towards the end of May 2020 followed by a slow but successful re-mobilisation of all other contracts since then.

Our risk assessment has ensured the safety of our employees and if you would like a copy of this document then please contact us at

A summary of the key elements of this risk assessment when working in occupied premises are detailed below:

Auditors working in occupied premises will travel to work alone and not share vehicles.
When planning appointments, questions relating to symptoms, self-isolation and shielding will be asked.
2m social distancing or 1m plus measures will be observed at all times (ideally residents are in other rooms with other family members and any household pets).
Opening of doors/access routes for Auditors to limit the need to touch door handles.
Windows will be opened in the working area to ensure adequate ventilation.
Auditors will not accept drinks from residents.
All surfaces and tools that the Auditor has been in contact with will be sanitised before and after use.
Face coverings and gloves will be worn.
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