Improving Safety Standards Together

Since formation in 1997 our business objective has been to raise the standards of safety within the sectors in which we operate. However, achieving this can be challenging.

The basic provision of a Quality Control Auditor completing a post inspection service will not achieve the aspirations we have set. A much more holistic approach is required to improve the safety standards within a sector, which include:

  • Experienced and competent technical staff
  • Comprehensible, reliable data
  • Stakeholder engagement and management to ensure all parties are working towards one common goal and understand the part they play in achieving this
  • Going the ‘extra mile’ through strong communication and innovative techniques

By embedding these principles into our business operation, Morgan Lambert has become the leading safety consultant within the social housing sector.

Our Own In-House Web Portal Team
The vast amount of data we collect from our post inspection audits is irrelevant without a good system in place to report them in a user-friendly fashion. Morgan Lambert firmly believes our web portal does that and much more. Our existing clients often remind us of the importance of our web portal system when it comes to management of safety standards in their organisation.

Over 70,000 Gas and Electrical Inspections Completed Per Annum
By completing more than 70,000 post inspection visits per annum, we gather a vast amount of data that can be examined by our clients with detailed benchmarking reports generated on our web portal. National trends can be identified quickly and eradicated from working practices before they become major issues.

90+ Auditors Operating Nationwide
With over 90 Auditors working with us nationwide, we are able to resource any contract size in any location of the UK. It also allows us to provide a responsive service to urgent jobs such as second opinions on boilers being deemed beyond economical repair or fumes investigation reports following disconnection of the service by a gas emergency service provider.

Consistently Working With Over 100 Registered Social Landlords
Our national client base is consistently more than 100 clients and varied from small providers with less than 500 properties to large, nationwide providers with over 100,000 properties. This variation and national geography allows us to share best practice methods in managing a variety of gas and electrical contract sizes. We also work solely for social housing providers ensuring there is no conflict of interest working directly for any gas or electrical contractor.

Auditing, Consultancy & Training

Collectively, with over 300 years of industry experience, our management team provide auditing, consultancy and training services consistently for over 100 registered social landlords nationwide. Together we have a perfect mixture of skills, experience, energy and enthusiasm to provide an unrivalled auditing and consultancy package.

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