The Safer, Smarter Way to Audit

Through innovation and professionalism, Morgan Lambert strives to support social housing providers to achieve compliance in all areas of safety management. Forming lasting partnerships is key to our success, together with demonstrating continuous improvement by going the ‘extra mile’ to raise and subsequently maintain high standards of safety.

Our services

    Gas & Electrical
    Site Based Auditing

    Fumes Investigation

    Commercial Gas Auditing
    & Condition Reporting

    Commercial Gas Plant Room
    Design & Project Management

    DSEAR Risk


    Contract Procurement

    Policy and Procedural

    LOGIC Accredited &
    Bespoke Training Courses

    Legionella, Fire,
    Asbestos Auditing

What our customers are saying...

  • Morgan Lambert have worked with Longhurst Group's 21,000 stock to maintain high level of heating and electrical audits throughout our contract and always work to increase the level of services we deliver to our customer. We are delighted with the progress.
    Thomas Purdy
    Gas and Electrical Compliance Manager, Longhurst Group
  • Morgan Lambert are a service provider to Great Places and have been associated with us for a number of years. They have proved themselves to be very reliable and professional in all areas of work that we have requested them to carry out and are a valued partner. The has included regular quality audits of the gas safety programme, newly installed central heating quality checks, commercial gas and plant condition reports and technical, contractual advice.
    Ash Harrison
    Gas Manager, Great Places Housing Group
  • Morgan Lambert have been an incredibly important partner to us in driving forward our standards regarding electrical safety. They have supported us on an array of technical issues and they have ensured that our contractors are working consistently well, which is critical in our industry. Their attention to detail and their experience across the sector makes them both knowledgeable and authoritative, yet also pragmatic.
    Neil Yeomans
    Head of Customer Safety, Orbit Group
  • We have been using Morgan Lambert for well over 7 years. They are a very customer focussed organisation and regularly prove how flexible they can be in meeting fluctuation in demand. They cover a very wide geographical area and are industry leaders in collaborative IT solutions and customer portal facilities. We congratulate them on their continued expansion and look forward to many more years of successful partnership.
    Richard Ward
    Head of M&E, Clarion Housing Group
  • Morgan Lambert have een a critical partner of Midland Heart since 2005 as our trusted Gas and Electrical Compliance experts. Our long standing relationship with them is testament to their invaluable input. They provide third party independent expertises and consultancy services along with ongoing support at regualr contractor meetings, this has been essentail in driving continual improvements in terms of performance, customer service and importantly ensuring customer safety.
    Rob Whally
    Senior Contracts Manager, Midland Heart
  • Morgan Lambert have worked with the Housing Plus Group for over 15 years, dating back to our original roots as South Staffordshire HA and Severnside HA. They have provided robust assurances on the quality of workmanship undertaken by our different termed Contractors over this perid whilst also helping to share our Gas and Electrical policies and procedures before and afer multiple mergers. We see Morgan Lambert as a vital part of our Compliance function and their professinalism and responsiveness is unrivalled.
    Stephen Collins
    Executive Director of Property, Housing Plus Group